Риични или умри - Rules overview
Score given to all players in the beginning of the rating
Amount of points given to every player in the beginning of every session
Game duration
Play only east rounds
If the dealer holds the 1st place after last hand in session, the game ends regardless of his winning hand or tempai.
When dealer wins, or stays tempai after draw, seat winds will be changed. Honba is added only after draw.
When a player runs out of score points, the game immediately ends
If nobody reaches the goal score at the last hand, the game continues to west rounds (in hanchan) or to south rounds (in tonpuusen), until someone reaches the goal
Round outcomes
Only first player by the order of the move from the loser would be considered a winner. If not checked, all players declaring Ron are considered winners.
There will be a separate "Abortive draw" outcome to record draws due to four riichi, four kans, suufon renda, kyuushu kyuuhai, etc.
Enable "Nagashi" outcome to record this special draw
Riichi and honba
Riichi left on table in case of draw in the end of the session will be given to session winner
Honba payments will be given only to the first winner. If not checked, payment will be given to all winners.
All riichi bets on the table will be given to the first winner. If not checked, winning riichi bets will always be given back, lost bets would be given to the first winner.
Payments and scores
13+ han hands are considered yakuman, not sanbaiman.
Hands valued as 4/30 and 3/60 are rounded to mangan.
Amount of points given to player at 1st place
Value of one honba stick
If checked, players with equivalent score receive equivalent uma bonus. Otherwise, uma is assigned according to move order.
Pay chombo right on occasion. If not checked, chombo is subtracted from player score after uma is applied.
Amount of penalty applied in the end of the session after uma bonus.
Use yakitori rule